
Active Research Projects

Recent Publication

Soil moisture–atmosphere feedback dominates land carbon uptake variability

Humphrey, V.
Berg, A.
Ciais, P.
Gentine, P.
Jung, M.
Reichstein, M.
Seneviratne, S.I.
Frankenberg, C.


December 27, 2021

New NSF STC website

Check out the webiste of our new center on AI and climate https://leap.columbia.edu/

September 20, 2021

New LEAP STC center funded

Our center using machine learning to develop novel climate projections has been supported by the NSF https://nsf.gov/news/special_reports/announcements/090921.jsp

June 11, 2020

Why we need to be diverse in academia?

A good summary of the benefits of being diverse in academia and why the entire group benefit form it https://www.pnas.org/content/117/17/9284